Popup Keyboard for Special Characters in Android

Popup Keyboard for Special Characters in Android

It turns out that when you hold down a key, Android gives you the option of popping up another keyboard. I figured out many of the details from Stack Overflow.

Step 1

Create a new file called xml/popup.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Keyboard xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

Step 2

Replace the correct line in xml/keys_layout.xml.

<Key android:codes="101" android:keyLabel="e" android:popupKeyboard="@xml/popup" android:popupCharacters="éèêë"/>

Step 3

Add the following code to your Java.

<Key android:codes="101" android:keyLabel="e" android:popupKeyboard="@xml/popup" android:popupCharacters="éèêë"/>

That's it!


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